Best Halloween hairstyles ideas to ramp up your fancy-dress

Want to create that perfect Halloween look? You're in the right place.

This year, we're celebrating the spooky season by taking our costume ideas to the next pulse-pounding level, helping you create a jaw-dropping appearance that brings together hair and outfit.

Whether you’re planning to morph into a superhero, a zombie or a wicked witch this Halloween, we think we have it all sewn up for you and your hair.

Check out our ideas for costumes best-suited to your hair colour and length here:

Long blonde hair

long blonde hair costume ideas

We had a ton of costume ideas for long blond hair, so we've narrowed them down to our two favourites:

The villainous Harley Quinn, and that sweet little ol’ Red Riding Hood. Both these iconic looks are ideal if your locks are long and blond, and they’re super-easy to create.

For Red's look, you can let your long blond hair hang loose, free and lovely.

And for Harley Quinn, simply tie your hair in pigtails, add that famous touch of pink to one and blue to the other... and you're ready to take over the world.

Long brown hair

long brown hair costume ideas

Whoever said Little Red Riding Hood had blond hair? Maybe she had brown. That's what we think anyway, because this costume works just as well with long brown hair as it does for long blond!

If you fancy crossing over to the dark side for the night, here are two dastardly ideas. First, our Lady Day of the Dead Halloween costume which accentuates long brown hair. And second, the oh-so-mini-dress Vampire Bat Maleficent outfit.

For both, you can again leave your luscious tresses flowing free, and show them off in all their wicked glory. 

Short brown/blond hair

short brown hair costume ideas

Wearing your hair short gives you so many wacky options -sleek, spike or tousle it for the Zombie Flapper women's costume, spray with colour for this creepy 80s Punk Skull look.

You can enjoy casting a dark presence in this outfit as Maleficent -and if you're ready to freak everyone out, just add a bandage encrusted with our fake blood to your head.

Purple hair 

purple hair costume ideas

Purple hair is spot-on for Halloween, period! And whether yours is long or short, here are a few ideas for costumes that will max your purple hair, and have people gasping.

Maybe you'll be a witch for the night, or maybe you aspire to being queen of all fairy-tale baddies, Maleficent. Or perhaps you fancy spending Halloween masquerading as a dishevelled zombie mermaidprom queen or (terrifyingly) a zombie nurse.

In fact, with Blossom Costume's range, you could be practically anything zombified!

Blue hair

blue hair costume ideas

We love blue hair as much as we love purple, and on this, the scariest night of the year, we have several sneaky ideas for Halloween costumes to ramp up the blue in your hair, and delight other party-goers (in a spooky kinda way). 

Match your blues in this Wind Up Doll costume or the Sexy Seed of Chucky outfit, or try something wildly different with our Fever Skeleton Bodysuit.

Black Hair

black hair costume ideas

Now, for a moment, close your eyes and imagine (if you dare) the villains from your childhood stories, and from the movies that terrify you now you’re grown.

Picture witches, vampires, Gothic seductresses… And tell me, in your imaginations, what colour is their hair? Isn't it black?

It seems we love our baddies to have raven black, gleaming hair!

Short or long, we reckon black’s top for Halloween. For short hair, we love both the Zombie Flapper and the delightfully sinister-looking Immortal Seductress Gothic Vampire costumes.

And for long black hair, here are two ideas we had for costumes that we think you’ll find particularly h-h-h-haunting... our Ghost Town Black Widow and our Deluxe Day of Dead Bride!

Curly hair

curly hair costume ideas

Oh, to have curly hair! Curly hair has such wicked potential when you're dreaming up grizzly Halloween ideas and costumes. You can go super-curly like this Rocky Horror Magenta look, the oh-so-sleek waves for the Lady of the Vampire Manor

You can adapt any other look, including the frazzled appearance that zombies take on, and backcomb the lot! Just imagine what you could do with our High School Prom Queen Zombie costume.

Medusa's Hair!

medusa's air costume ideas

Finally... if you’re ready to ramp up your hair to the absolute max, you’re gonna love this entrancing idea – a Halloween costume that offers a complete Medusa hair and dress make-over.

The outfit comes with a 2-piece snake headpiece, making this a deceptively simple and scarily radical look... no matter what your hair type or colour!  

Blossom Costumes stocks all of these spooky, ghoulish outfits, and many more. For more inspiration, visit our online store, or get in touch with us if you can't find what you're looking for.