Are you ready to find your treasure this book week?

Discover these treasure costume ideas so you can win the best costume competition

The theme for Book Week in 2018 is "Find Your Treasure". Now, of course, probably the first thing that springs to mind when you think about treasure is a pirate, scouring the seven seas for their booty. At Blossom Costumes we love all things pirate, in fact, we have Captain Jack Sparrow CostumesZombie Pirate CostumesGirls' Pirate CostumesPunk Pirate Costumes and even Captain Feathersword makes an appearance. And that's not even all of the pirate costumes we have available! While a pirate's life is unpredictable and filled with squash-buckling excitement and adventure – which obviously makes for a great costume – we think you can push the boat out a little and find your treasure in a number of ways. Yes, when you want to do something different and really make a splash with your "find your treasure" costume, you need to dig a little deeper. To help you discover that diamond in the rough, we have brought together some of our finest costume ideas so that you can cherry pick the best choice for your treasured costume. And of course, if you do decide that the pirate's life is just the thing for you, we have so many different pirate costume ideas that you'll be spoiled for choice. Choose from a range of pirate costumes and pick your favourite. pirates find your treasure

How to choose your costume

Still struggling to decide on your favourite book week character? We know, it's really hard to narrow down on your favourite. One of our best ways to choose is to think about who you would most enjoy to be like – or who you would most like to have lunch with. Can you think of a character you would love to have a chat to? Or alternatively, if you like the baddies in the books, then maybe you can think of someone you want to dress up as who you can really act like, a character who is essential to the drama of your story – someone who makes a great villain. This might be an exciting character for you to dress up as, and who knows, you might choose someone so individual that you end up winning that costume competition!

Find your treasure costume ideas for children

Just in case you're still thinking about who the best character for the 'find your treasure' theme could be, we've got a couple of ideas up our sleeve.

Harry Potter/Hermione Granger

harry potter costumes find your treasure Do you remember in Harry Potter how Harry, Ron and Hermione were looking for all of the Horcruxes as a way to vanquish the dark wizard Voldemort? You could probably think of this as the gang from Hogwarts looking for their treasure. After all, when the Horcruxes were destroyed, it was possible for Harry and his friends to destroy Voldemort once and for all. Now that's a pretty good description of a treasure – even if it's not the traditional sense. Find your Harry Potter/Hermione Granger/Hogwarts costume here and make magic this Book Week.


rapunzel find your treasure book week costumes When Rapunzel first threw down her long hair, the only thing that was climbing up there was a nasty old witch. Of course, when her beloved prince appeared it seemed like everything in Rapunzel's life was going to be alright. And then we have the Tangled version in which Rapunzel needs absolutely no help from her prince (or anyone else for that matter). Whichever Rapunzel version you prefer, we think that finding your treasure comes from within, and Rapunzel certainly found her treasure through her long, lustrous hair. Find your perfect Rapunzel outfit here.

Charlie Bucket

find your treasure charlie and the chocolate factory Wouldn't you say that Charlie Bucket from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory found his treasure when he uncovered a Wonka Golden Ticket in his birthday Wonka Bar? We think that Charlie is definitely someone who found their treasure. Maybe you could dress up as Charlie Bucket for your book week costume? Perhaps you feel more like dressing up like one of the other children who were also lucky enough to score a ticket, like Veruca Salt. Although, knowing how Veruca got her ticket, it makes us think that she wasn't quite so lucky as she was demanding! Or for a more whimsical approach, you could go as Willy Wonka.

Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz

wizard of oz find your treasure There's no place like home, there's no place like home! While Dorothy has to go on quite the adventure, she eventually does find her treasure, and it turns out to be home in Kansas with her dear Aunt and Uncle. You could easily dress up as Dorothy, or perhaps go along as the Cowardly Lion who discovered courage, or the Scarecrow who discovered that the brains he was looking for were with him all along. Even the Tin Man found what he was looking for. Make one of these wonderful characters part of your fun for the book week dress up competition. Find your Wizard of Oz costumes here. Want some more inspiration? Discover our range of stunning and fun book week costumes for Book Week 2018 and dress up to impress for the theme of "Find Your Treasure". We would love to see what kind of costumes you come up with, so don't forget to share them with us on Instagram using #blossomcostumes so that we can repost you!