How to survive Supanova 2020

10 tips to make the most of Supernova 2020

The star power of Supanova has arrived in Australia. Are you prepared to meet the world’s most popular pop culture actors and gamers? You will be by the end of this guide. We cover what you need to pack, how to plan your experience, and how to sparkle and shine with the best cosplay costumes — everything you need to know to survive Supernova 2020.  

Blossom Costumes have a huge range of amazing costumes for Supernova 2020. Discover the best superhero and cosplay costumes.

1. Wisely, you must pack

Take the essentials and nothing more. You want to leave plenty of room for the epic swag you'll collect.

Firstly, you want to select the right backpack for the occasion. You want a big comfortable backpack to collect swag — games, art, toys, posters, and autographs. Secondly, pack a sharpie to collect autographs, a poster tube to protect your new wall art, and your camera for those fan photos. Finally, take the basics; a refillable water-bottle, snacks, and hours of entertainment for the long lines. But more on that next. 

2. Take your comic books

Comic books

That’s right. Take your comic books to a comic book convention. And not so you can get them signed. You’ll be waiting in some seriously long lines for autographs and photos. Having some on-hand entertainment will make the time fly by. 

Of course, your entertainment doesn’t have to be a comic book. It can be anything. You can be ready with podcasts, novels, video games, or sketchpad. Still, the most fun thing to do is chat with other Supanova fans. 

3. Talk to people? Are you crazy?

The fans at Supernova aren’t just anyone. They’re your people. They’re the people who appreciate the depths and nuances of comics, movies, and video games. It’s not only the celebrity guests that are worth attending Supernova for, it’s worth going to meet other passionate fans like yourself. Oh, and it helps to talk to people so you can check that you’re waiting in the correct line. 

4. Wear your Grandpa's shoes

Now, when we say, “Wear your Grandpa’s shoes,” we don’t actually mean you should stop by his place and steal his shoes. We mean you should wear super-comfortable shoes to Supernova — shoes like the pair your Grandpa wears. 

As a backup plan, you may want to pack a few Band-Aids.

5. Make a plan. And a backup plan. And a backup backup plan.

You can make the most meticulous plan that ensures you get a selfie with all of your favourite guests. There’s just one problem—you have competition. There are thousands upon thousands of people who all want the same selfies and signatures. So carefully set priorities. And backup plans are a must.  

Also, make sure you pick a meeting place with your friends in case you get separated — and your phone has run out of battery. 

6. ABC—Always Be Charging

portable charger

Repeat after me: Always Be Charging. Always Be Charging. Always Be Charging. This is your mantra for the day. You don’t want to miss the chance to take a selfie with your favourite celebrity. So take a portable charger and, say it with me, Always Be Charging.

7. Anti-bacterial countermeasures

There’s going to be tens of thousands of people from all over the world at Supernova. Take the necessary anti-bacterial countermeasures; wash your hands thoroughly, keep your hands away from your face, and pack plenty of hand sanitiser. Although, the best defence against germs is to wear a huge cosplay costume that covers you entirely, from top to toe.

8. Safety pins and fabric tape

Safety pins and fabric tape are essential items for cosplayers. Your costume may need a quick touch up during the day — cosplay triage is critical. Keep these items in your backpack. 

9. Standout from the crowd with your cosplay costumes

There are many different cosplay contests at Supernova. And the competition is fierce. So to stand out from the crowd, you’re going to need a high-quality costume. At Blossom Costumes, we’ve got you covered. 

Our huge range of superhero and comic costumes include:

Plus, we have a huge range of high quality anime and cosplay costumes.

10. Get organised right now

To make the most of Supanova 2020, early preparation is key. So grab your ticket, organise your backpack with the essential items, and most importantly—get your cosplay costume right now.  

Blossom Costumes offer super-fast delivery, split payments with Afterpay, and satisfaction guaranteed. Check out our superhero and cosplay costumes.